
Handcrafted Geeky, spooky and stupid sh*t!

Welcome to my store. My name is Katie and I've been crafting my entire life(also hoarding craft supplies) but being a mom had me working long hours as a CNA left me with little time to craft. However I now have a very suportive partner who has allowed me to follow my dreams and take my crafting, crochet, sewing and more on a more full time basis. We may live small and meager but it's our dream to eventually expand to include his crafting dreams as well and switch to full time running our crafting bussiness from home. In the future you can expect to see 3d printed items and more added to our store!

Our hobbies that influence our merch include D&D, (Critical Role is my obsession), Gaming(big Animal crossing geek here), and of course binge watching TV shows and Movies such as Supernatural. Harry potter, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy and more.

Thank you for visiting!
So say we all!

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